Human Cloning
"The topic of human cloning presents much controversy in the United States. Many believe immediate action should be taken to create a nationwide cloning ban in order to ensure safety from the potential threats this procedure presents. On the contrary, human cloning proponents claim that people would reap significant benefits, such as various medical cures and the ability to potentially fix infertility problems, if studies were to continue. Although possible advantages could come about, there is still uncertainty of our science technology and how the clones will develop. Not only is there uncertainty about the actual technology of human cloning, there are also numerous ethical issues that should be examined in order to form a balanced perspective on whether human cloning should -- or shouldn't -- be accepted. Ethics violations range from what the Bible has to say about human cloning, to the value of a child's life, and to the worst of them all, the death of innocent embryos and children. These are all issues that need to be explored and explained before making an informed decision on whether human cloning should be adopted or rejected In the United States. Human cloning advocates claim that it would enhance nationwide health, save lives that would have otherwise been lost, and solve infertility problems, but after the examination of the numerous ethical violations and the uncertainty of our science technology, one should realize that the negative aspects of human cloning outweigh any possible benefits."
 By: Nathan Putrich Posted 2010-07-09